Thursday, November 14, 2024
National Tax Association 117th Annual Conference On Taxation
Highlights of this week's National Tax Association 117th Annual Conference on Taxation (full program here):
- Reuven Avi-Yonah (Michigan), Building the Gateway: Why the Two Pillars Need Each Other
- Reuven Avi-Yonah (Michigan) & Ariel Siman (Michigan), Taxation and Corporate Governance
- Lily Batchelder (NYU), Naomi Feldman (Hebrew University of Jerusalem), James Hines (Michigan), Pam Olson (PwC) & Cara Griffith (Tax Analysts) (Moderator), Fiscal Policy in the Upcoming Administration Plenary
- Conor Clarke (Washington University) & Wojciech Kopczuk (Columbia), Inequality and the Corporate Sector
- Brian Galle (Georgetown), Tax-Free Dynasties and the Case for a Withholding Tax on Trust Wealth
- Andrew Hayashi (Virginia), The Federal Architecture of Income Inequality
- Zachary Liscow (Yale), Will Nober (Columbia) & Cailin Slattery (UC-Berkeley), Procurement and Infrastructure Costs
- Alex Raskolnikov (Columbia), A New View of Formal Equality
- Daniel Schaffa (Richmond), The Regressivity of Complexity
- John Brooks (Fordham), The Supreme Court, Stock Dividends, and the 1929 Stock Market Crash
- Conor Clarke (Washington University) & Ari Glogower (Northwestern), Apportioned Direct Taxes
- Wei Cui (British Columbia), The State of Nature in International Taxation
- Dhammika Dharmapala (UC-Berkeley) & Daniel Hemel (NYU), The Realization Doctrine and the Optimal Taxation of Capital Income
- Brian Galle (Georgetown), Money Moves: Taxing the Wealthy at the State Level
- Ari Glogower (Northwestern) & Conor Clarke (Washington University), Duty and Excise
- David Hasen (Florida), Pricing Income Volatility
- Omri Marian (UC-Irvine), Income Taxation and the Regulation of Supreme Court Justices' Conduct
- Hillel Nadler (Wayne State), Cross-Border Taxation in a World of Abundant Capital
- Theodore Seto (Loyola-L.A.), Justice As Efficiency
- Daniel Shaviro (NYU), The Case for a Secondary Earner Deduction or Credit
- Thomas Brennan (Harvard), Apparent Defects in Mark-to-Market Taxation
- Dhammika Dharmapala (UC-Berkeley), Racial Restrictions on Voting: Evidence from a New Global Dataset, 1775-2000
- Edward Fox (Michigan) & Zachary Liscow (Yale), Is the Realization Rule the Achilles Heel of the Income Tax? The Income, Taxation, and Borrowing of the Top 1%
- Daniel Hemel (NYU), Capital Taxation in the Middle of History
- Adam Kern (San Diego), The Hole in the Global Minimum Tax
- Andrew Luis Granato (Yale) & Ari Glogower (Northwestern), Reforming the Taxation of Life Insurance
- Young Ran (Christine) Kim (Cardozo) & Dmitry Erokhin (International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis), Algorithmic Tax Ownership
- Orli Oren-Kolbinger (Oregon), "Innocent Spouses" and Benevolent Sexism in the United States Tax Court
- Orli Oren-Kolbinger (Oregon), Where Is My Refund(able Credit)?
- Morenike Saula (St. Thomas), Central Bank Digital Currency Can Help Curb Financial Crimes and Economic Disparities
- Sloan Speck (Colorado), The Realization Rule as a Legal Standard
- Clinton Wallace (South Carolina), Accounting for Time in the Concept of Income
- Eleanor Wilking (Cornell), Leave the Data, Take the Money? Hard Choices in Platform Regulation, Understood through Airbnb
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