Paul L. Caron

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Law Student Mental Health And Wellness By Year

Bloomberg Law, Which Law School Year Is Worst for Students’ Health?:

Law students will be the first to tell you that their health and well-being have taken a blow since they started law school. But is one year more grueling than another when it comes to student health? Results from a recent Bloomberg Law survey suggest that it depends on which health issue you’re looking at.

Bloomberg Law’s Fall 2023 Law School Preparedness Survey revealed a correlation between the year of law school a student is in and the type of health issue they are most susceptible to.

The survey asked student respondents to select from a list of health conditions that they have experienced since starting law school. The results were then sorted based on which year of school the respondents were in— their 1L, 2L, or 3L year.

Beyond the obvious takeaway that the more time spent in school naturally means more chances for health issues to arise, the way that certain health issues accelerated from one academic year to the next is very much worth noting.

Bloomberg Law School Mental Health

1L Year: Anxiety and Sleep Issues ...
2L Year: Depression and Physical Health Issues ...
3L Year: Alcohol Use and Relationship Issues ...
All Years: Take Time for Yourself and Ask for Help ...

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