Wednesday, May 1, 2024
Law School Class Of 2023 Jobs Rankings: Bar-Passage Required, BigLaw, Federal Judicial Clerkships, And Government|Public Interest
Reuters, These Law Schools Ranked Tops For Jobs in 2023:
The University of Virginia School of Law sent the highest percentage of graduates into full-time law jobs in 2023, marking the second consecutive year that the school snagged the top spot. A full 97.18% of Virginia's 2023 juris doctor graduates went on to full-time, permanent jobs that require bar passage—the highest of all 195 American Bar Association-accredited law schools for the second straight year. ... . Among the 30,160 newly minted JDs last year, [79.3%] landed full-time, permanent jobs that ... require bar passage ... according to new ABA data released this week.
Reuters, These Law Schools Sent the Most Graduates into Big Law Jobs in 2023:
Columbia Law School snagged the top spot among U.S. law schools for having the highest percentage of 2023 graduates who landed large law firm jobs, according to new employment data from the American Bar Association. ... Nearly 76% of the school's juris doctor graduates took jobs at firms of 251 or more lawyers within 10 months of leaving campus, the data shows.
Reuters, These Law Schools Dominated the Federal Clerk Hiring Market in 2023:
The University of Chicago Law School is back at No. 1 on the list of law schools that sent the highest percentage of graduates into federal clerkships, according to new data from the American Bar Association. The Chicago law school sent 25.35% of its 2023 juris doctors into federal judicial clerkships, which are highly sought-after and competitive positions. ...
The ABA data show that just 3.4% of 2023’s 35,215 JD graduates nationwide landed federal clerkships. And the market for federal clerks is dominated by a small number of law schools.
Reuters, For Government and Public Interest Jobs, These Law Schools Are Tops:
The City University of New York School of Law has retained its position as the top pipeline into public interest and government law jobs, a Reuters analysis found. CUNY Law, as the Queens school is known as, sent more than 55% of its 2023 juris doctors into those jobs within 10 months of graduation—more than 10 percentage points higher than any other school, according to employment data released last week by the American Bar Association. ...
Overall, 11.1% of 2023’s JDs nationwide went into government jobs, while 8.9% took public interest positions.