Paul L. Caron

Sunday, March 3, 2024

California Bar Takers Fear They Will Fail The Exam Due To Cold Conditions In Cow Palace: 'I Could See My Breath'

ABA Journal, Some Taking California Bar Exam Say Cow Palace Venue Was So Cold It May Have Affected Their Test Results:

California Bar (2021)The State Bar of California’s decision to consolidate some bar exam locations at the Cow Palace in Daly City, California, didn’t work out well for test-takers who say the place was so cold Tuesday that it affected their ability to function.

“I was so cold in the morning I almost couldn’t type my fingers were so freezing,” wrote one test-taker on Reddit.

Reuters, Bar Exam Takers in California Literally Left in the Cold, They Say:

The Cow Palace—an arena and event center outside of San Francisco—was so inhospitable that some examinees struggled to complete the essay portion of the exam, according to comments posted to the online forum Reddit.

“I was so cold in the morning I almost couldn’t type my fingers were so freezing,” one bar taker wrote. 

Examinee Deborah Tharp told Reuters on Wednesday that she experienced multiple muscle cramps throughout the day as a result of the cold conditions in the Cow Palace and that she complained to both the venue and the State Bar of California, which administers the exam. ...

“I could see my breath when I first arrived,” said Tharp, who added that it felt colder inside the venue than outside. “There was ice in the bottom of my water bottle that I picked up off the concrete floor when I was done.”

ABC 7, Bar Exam Takers Report Cold Conditions Inside Cow Palace During 12+ Hour Test:

Some reported 54 degrees inside. Test taker Nijel Quadri says the facility has heat lamps, but they only help depending on where you are sitting.

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