Paul L. Caron

Sunday, February 4, 2024

69% Of America's 'Best Lawyers' Question The Competency Of Any Lawyer Who Has Difficulty Passing The Bar Exam, Does Finding the Bar Difficult Make You Less Competent? Some Lawyers Think So.:

Best LawyersIn a December survey conducted by Best Lawyers, which polled lawyers who have been in private practice for at least five years at firms of all sizes across the U.S, the majority of respondents said they would question a lawyer’s competency if they had a difficult time passing the bar or if they never sat for the bar. ...

Even though bar passage rates tend to vary, especially when considering different schools, states and law school qualities, Best Lawyers wrote, out of 842 responses, 69% agreed (with 24% strongly agreeing) that they would question the competency of an attorney who had difficulty passing the bar. For that question, 25% disagreed (9% strongly disagreeing) and 6% had no opinion.

Among more than 838 lawyers who responded to the question, “Anyone seeking a law license should have to pass a bar exam similar to the one I took,” 78% agreed, with 55% strongly agreeing.

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