Paul L. Caron

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Spring 2024 Law Review Article Submission Guide

Nancy Levit (UMKC) & Allen Rostron (UMKC) have updated their incredibly useful document, which contains two charts for the Spring 2024 submission season covering the 196 main journals of each law school.

SubmissionsWe have created hyperlinks for each law review to take you directly to the law review’s submissions page. (Perhaps a quarter of those now link to a Digital Commons page, which doesn’t provide as much information as before about the law review’s submission preferences.) Again the chart includes as much information as possible about what law reviews are not accepting submissions right now and what months they say they’ll resume accepting submissions.  The most common designations of “opening dates” were either February or Spring 2024. (Just FYI, in the Northern Hemisphere, Spring begins on March 19, 2024; but we suspect the law reviews are referring to some unspecified date within the season of Spring.)

Also, there are a substantial number of law reviews that are listed on Scholastica but do not mention Scholastica in their submission information on their websites, so it is not clear whether the law review encourages or prefers use of Scholastica.  For these law reviews, we have simply noted that it is possible to submit through Scholastica.

The first chart contains information about each journal’s preferences about methods for submitting articles (e.g., e-mail, Scholastica, or postal mail), as well as special formatting requirements and how to request an expedited review.  The second chart contains rankings information from U.S. News and World Report  (overall, peer, lawyers and judges), as well as data from Washington & Lee’s law review website (citation count, impact factor, and combined ratings).

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