Paul L. Caron

Monday, January 1, 2024

NY Times: AI Got Smarter In 2023 (Especially On The LSAT And Bar Exam)

New York Times Essay:  10 Charts That Defined 2023, by Steven Rattner:

Some years are defined by a single event or person — a pandemic, a recession, an insurrection — while others are buffeted by a series of disparate forces. Such was 2023. ...

7. A.I. Got (a Lot) Smarter:
Following the debut of OpenAI’s ChatGPT late last year, 2023 was the year artificial intelligence — its novelty, danger and revolutionary promise alike — went mainstream.

NY Times Chat-GPT

As the superpowered A.I. made its way into classrooms and offices, a flotilla of concerns quickly emerged, ranging from job losses to accidental nuclear war. That noted, I believe A.I. has the potential to accelerate our flagging productivity growth (much as computers did), raising the prospect of accelerating lagging income growth for workers.

One study found that workers equipped with ChatGPT became 37 percent faster at basic writing and research tasks. The A.I. revolution showed no sign of slowing, either. The first version of GPT, developed in 2018, had 117 million parameters; 2020’s GPT-3 had 175 billion. GPT-4, released this year, has a trillion, according to a report by Semafor.

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