Tuesday, January 9, 2024
Law School Applicant Pool Is Most Diverse In History, Despite SCOTUS Affirmative Action Ban
Reuters, Law School Applicant Pool Is Most Diverse Ever Amid Affirmative Action Ban:
The U.S. Supreme Court’s June ban on affirmative action in college admissions so far has not led to a decline in minority law school applicants, as some legal academics feared.
The current national law school applicant pool includes more than 43% people of color — the highest percentage on record, according to the latest data from the Law School Admission Council. The number of minority applicants has also grown, increasing nearly 7% compared with this time last year, the data show.
Halfway through the fall 2024 admissions cycle, the total number of applicants nationwide is up 4% over this time last year. A nearly 15% increase in the number of people registered to take the Law School Admission Test later this month suggests that pool may expand further.