Tuesday, January 23, 2024
Harvard Law Review: '[This] Is A Tax Case. Fear Not. Keep Reading.'
Legal Case, Polselli v. IRS, 137 Harv. L. Rev. 430 (2023):
Internal Revenue Code § 7609 — Unnoticed Summons — Tax Exceptionalism — Surplusage Canon — Polselli v. IRS:
Polselli v. IRS1 is a tax case.2 Fear not, keep reading.3
In fulfilling its duty to collect federal taxes,4 the IRS has historically received disfavor from many in American society.5 Labeled “legalized larceny” in President Coolidge’s inaugural address,6 excessive taxation or beliefs thereof even incentivize some to evade these levies.7 Accordingly, Congress has equipped the IRS with several tools to enforce taxpayers’ obligations under the Internal Revenue Code (I.R.C. or the “Code”).8 Last Term, the Supreme Court in Polselli interpreted one such provision, I.R.C. § 7609(c)(2)(D)(i), to authorize the unnoticed summonses of bank records concerning a deficient taxpayer’s wife and counsel — barring them from judicial review.9 And despite assurances otherwise from conflicting forms of “tax exceptionalism” in the majority and concurrence,10 this broadly worded statute worryingly enables the IRS to investigate countless taxpayers without notice or court oversight.