Paul L. Caron

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

George Mason Fires Back In Lawsuit By Former Tenured Law Professor Accused Of Sexual Misconduct

Following up on my previous posts (links below):  Reuters, George Mason Univ Fires Back In Lawsuit by Ex-Law Professor Accused of Sexual Misconduct:

WrightGeorge Mason University, in a bid to throw out a discrimination lawsuit filed by former law professor Joshua Wright, said on Friday that Wright was painting himself as the "victim of sexual harassment and anti-male gender bias," after "several women" had accused him of inappropriate sexual conduct.

The university's motion to dismiss Wright's lawsuit filed in a Virginia federal court said that the school did not mishandle an investigation into sexual misconduct claims against Wright, a former commissioner on the Federal Trade Commission.

Wright, who resigned from the law school faculty in August following accusations that he used his position to pursue a sexual relationship with a student, sued the university [complaint] in November alleging that it violated Title IX and its internal policies when it investigated him and dismissed his own sexual harassment claim against his accuser.

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