Paul L. Caron

Sunday, December 3, 2023

The Case For And Against Keeping Donna Adelson In Jail Before Her Trial In Dan Markel's Murder

Tallahassee Democrat Op-Ed:  Former Florida Lawmaker Makes Case That Donna Adelson Should Be Released From Jail, by Benjamin Graber, M.D. ("Editor's Note: — The author of this op-ed is a 40-year friend of Donna Adelson."):

Adelson (Donna Mug Shot 2)Charlie Adelson, Katherine Magbanua, and Sigfredo Garcia: A toxic love triangle. ... The love triangle where Katherine is the love focus of two competing macho men where she controls the information to both because they do not talk to each other. She plays one against the other using jealousy and competition to get what she needs. From Sigfredo, she wants love and devotion for herself and children. From Charlie, she wants love and devotion, security and gifts, and possibly marriage or a way out of her predicament in life. This is common in toxic love triangles. ...

Dan Markel murder: An alternative theory of the case. ... Katherine was eventually convicted as the organizer and Charlie as the plotter. But would Charlie, an educated, meticulous person who dots every I, staple his money together, make such an absurd and clumsy plan to kill someone then tell them he would pay them later? I don’t think so. ...

Charlie may be a risk taker, but he is not a killer or criminal at all and never has been. The evening of Dan Markel’s killing Katherine went to his house. He was afraid for his own safety, even carrying an open pistol for protection. Sigfredo, on the other hand, is a natural born killer. Katherine is a manipulative woman with motives for these actions in a toxic love triangle that motivates her behavior. And Rivera has a criminal history and societal complexities.

Donna Adelson is neither a sociopath nor vindictive. Donna Adelson is a 73-year-old grandmother who raised her children to be model citizens, students, humanitarians and respectful. I’ve known Donna for 40 years.

I trust her, know her, and observed her in many social situations. She never lost her temper, always was a peacemaker, a supporter of others. She is not a sociopath or ringleader. She is not vindictive, hateful, or mean in any way. I have had Sabbath dinner with our families. Spent social activities, temple activities and family events together. She was part of my inner circle of trust. She was a teacher, a devoted mother, wife, and friend to all. Not a manipulative killer, as described. ...

This is not the Donna Adelson they describe. Medically now, she is frail, emotionally distraught and drained. She is a threat to no person, but the system is a threat to her health and life. It may kill her before a trial can occur. Her punishment is cruel, “beyond the pale” and misguided.

Florida Politics, Ben Graber Reconnects With Adelson Family After Long Hiatus to Field Test Nonsensical New Defense Theory:

Let’s set the record straight on the opinion piece authored by Ben Graber in The Tallahassee Democrat. ... Here’s the background on who Ben Graber really is, relative to the Adelson family.

Graber represented himself as a friend of the Adelson family for 40 years. Not so. Graber had no personal contact with the Adelson family for decades — 25-plus years — prior to penning this misguided attestation of their collective innocence. ... Graber was not a “40 year friend” – rather he’s a former friend who only days ago reconnected. 

Graber’s narrative about the “true” motive for the murder — what he describes as a twisted love triangle between Charlie, Katherine Magbanua (convicted of her role as middleman in the conspiracy), and Sigfredo Garcia (convicted for shooting Markel) — is a figment of Graber’s imagination and directly contradicts the sworn (albeit untenable) testimony of Charlie Adelson, the defendant himself. ... In Graber’s story, Garcia was jealous of Katie’s relationship with Charlie, so he set out to kill Charlie’s sister’s ex-husband in order to get Charlie pinned for the crime. ...

Graber isn’t a “40 year friend” and the Adelsons are clearly cooking up an alternative story, fed through a useful idiot hungry for relevance, to field test a defense for Donna that will fail as summarily as Charlie’s did.

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