Tuesday, September 26, 2023
Call For Tax Papers And Panels: Law & Society Annual Meeting
Neil Buchanan (Florida) has issued his annual call for tax papers and panels for next year's annual meeting of the Law & Society Association in Denver, Colorado (June 6 - 9, 2024):
The Law & Society Association (LSA) will host its next annual meeting from June 6 - 9, 2024, in Denver, Colorado. For the twentieth year in a row (wow), I am organizing sessions for the "Law, Society, and Taxation" group (Collaborative Research Network 31). And for what is now the eighth year in a row, I have the good fortune of working with Professors Jennifer Bird-Pollan and Mirit Eyal-Cohen as co-organizers of our conference-within-a-conference.
Under our signatures below, I've copied the Call for Papers email that LSA sent last week. Note that all sessions in Denver will be entirely live. Like it or not (and I personally like it very much), everything is in-person again.
This year's official conference theme, "Unsettling Territories: Tradition and Revolution in Law and Society," is interesting and might encompass the work that you'd like to present. Even so, please remember that you are not bound by the official theme of the conference, We will give full consideration to proposals in any area of tax law, tax policy, distributive justice, interdisciplinary scholarship, and so on.
The deadline for submissions is October 24, 2023 at 5:00pm Eastern Standard Time (USA and Canada, where the "and Canada" part is personally meaningful to me this year, as my signature line below indicates, eh?).
Law & Society's online paper submission interface has been changed in various ways again this year. I thus hope that the following detailed instructions will assist you in submitting your proposals with minimal frustration:
- In the Call for Papers email below, click the >> Submit an Abstract or Session! button.
- If you do not already have an account, you should click "Forgot your password?" in the lower-left corner of the screen. On the next page, click "Haven't registered yet?" under the blue "Sign in" banner on the right. "Select Your Member Type" on the next page, and then fill out the relevant information on the "Get Connected!" page.
- Once you've signed in, if you're not already at the >> Submit an Abstract or Session! page, go there again.
- Click "Submission" under "Submissions" (which is redundantly redundant, but oh well). Then click "Create Submission,' the blue-green button on the lower right of the screen.
- After filling in the "Title" on the next screen, click the "Submission Type" pull-down menu to choose "Individual Paper."
- Note: If you would like to organize your own full session to be included with our CRN's sessions -- which we certainly welcome -- you should not choose "Individual Paper" but instead should choose from among the other options (either type of Author-Meets-Reader (AMR) Session, Paper Session, or Roundtable Session). For the remainder of these instructions, I'll assume that you've chosen "Individual Paper."
- Now click "Save" at the bottom of the screen. On the next screen, click "Save And Proceed" (more repetitive repetition).
- On the "Participants" page, click "Yes."
- On the next "Participants" page, add any Presenting and/or Non-Presenting Co-Authors, then click "Save And Proceed."
- On the "Proposal" page, enter your abstract/description and click "Save And Proceed."
- On the "CRNs" page, click the little triangle to the left of "CRN (Choose Up To 3)," which will produce a drop-down list.
- From the drop-down list, choose our CRN31 (Law, Society, and Taxation). If you want to choose one or two other CRN's, feel free. VERY IMPORTANT: It is essential that you specify "CRN31: Law, Society, and Taxation." If you do not specify CRN31, yours will not be included on the list of proposals that we receive from the LSA office, and we will thus not know about your submission. Click "Save And Proceed."
- On the "Keywords" page, click the little triangle to the left of "Primary Keyword (Choose 1)" and choose "Taxation and Fiscal Policies." If you want to choose a secondary keyword, feel free to do so. Click "Save And Proceed."
- If you want to "Preview" your submission, you can do so by clicking on that option.
- On the "Finalize" page, click the tick-box next to "Yes, I am ready to submit my submission." Click "Finalize."
- Note that the "Finalize" page includes an admonition: "Once finalized a submission CAN'T be changed." This means that, after you've clicked "Finalize," you will not be able to use the online system to edit your submission. It does NOT mean, however, that you can't update your title or abstract later. (You can do so by contacting us directly). Again, it only means that the system will treat your submission as complete and uneditable after you click "Finalize."
Shortly after the October 24 deadline for proposals has passed, we will organize the papers into full sessions, and I'll send an email to all participants with a slate of our proposed sessions.
Your paper need not yet be written, and the only requirement (other than submitting the proposal through the online submission system) is that you have at least something (an outline, a first draft, etc.) that you can send to your session chair 30 days before the meeting (which means early May 2024).
Note also the following limitations for each participant (with VERY limited exemptions, explained here):
- One participation as a Paper Presenter, Roundtable Participant, or Author.
- Unlimited appearances as a Chair and/or Discussant on a panel, or an AMR reader.
Speaking of which, please send me an email if you are interested in serving as a chair/discussant.
The Law & Society office tells us that they plan to send "acceptance letters" at a yet-to-be-specified point in December in response to submissions.
We look forward to seeing you again in Denver. If you know of any colleagues who might be interested in participating (especially those in fields other than tax law who would like to join our interdisciplinary community), feel free to forward this email to them.
Neil (writing also for Jennifer and Mirit)
Law, Society, and Taxation (CRN31) co-chairs:
Jennifer Bird-Pollan
University of Kentucky
Neil H. Buchanan
University of Florida; visiting at Osgoode Hall Law School and University of Toronto Faculty of Law, 2023-24
Mirit Eyal-Cohen
University of Alabama