Paul L. Caron

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Ryznar: Exams In The Time Of ChatGPT

Margaret Ryznar (Indiana-McKinney), Exams in the Time of ChatGPT, 80 Wash. & Lee L. Rev. Online __ (2023):

Open AI ChatGPTThis article offers various methods to administer assessments while maintaining their integrity—after asking artificial intelligence writing tool ChatGPT for its views on the matter. The sophisticated response of the chatbot, which students can use in their written work, only raises the stakes of figuring out how to administer exams fairly.

In sum, it is important to think about protecting the integrity of online exams, as well as take-home exams. There are several methods to doing so, ranging from using additional assessments to differing types of assessments. Some of these methods are high-tech, such as video proctoring and exam software, and others are low-tech, like time limits and course design. Given the relative advantages and disadvantages of each, exam design may offer a particularly effective approach. 

These methods may not be able to eliminate all cheating—after all, cheating is as old as time. Indeed, as ChatGPT notes, “Cheating, or the act of obtaining an unfair advantage through dishonest means, has likely been around for as long as people have been competing with each other. There are many examples of cheating in recorded history, including instances of cheating in sports, academic settings, and other competitive environments.” However, the methods considered in this article can help minimize cheating, especially in the age of technology, making them worth pursuing given the importance of maintaining the integrity of online exams.

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