Paul L. Caron

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Muller: Winners And Losers In The Elimination Of At-Graduation Employment In The U.S. News Law School Rankings

Following up on my previous post, In Response To Boycott, U.S. News Dramatically Changes Law School Rankings Methodology. Who Are The Winners And Losers? Will Harvard Be #1?:  Derek Muller (Iowa; Google Scholar), Which Law Schools Are Affected the Most by the USNWR Dropping at-Graduation Employment Rates?:

US News (2023)Following up on my post, “Who's likely to benefit from the new USNWR law school rankings formula?,” I’ve continued to look at other changes to the rankings. USNWR is now only using publicly-available data. I went through some of those changes, but I wanted to look at another one: the absence of at-graduation employment outcomes. ...

I ran the numbers from last year’s figures to see what would happen if the 10-month employment rate were weighted at 18% instead of its present 14%, and abolished the at-graduation employment rate.

Derek lists the  20 law schools likely to benefit from this change in the U.S. rankings methodology, and the 20 law schools likely to be hurt. ...

There are many other changes that could help or adversely affect other schools. Note, for instance, that I suggested in an earlier post that BYU could gain significantly in some other categories; here, it appears they could be adversely affected more. Texas A&M, to name another, performs well here, as it did in other places. How much weight USNWR gives to any change matters greatly.

But I think this highlights just how uncertain many changes are in the upcoming rankings. As I pick off different categories, there are schools likely to change their performance in each category. How those shake out in the end—whether they tend to be beneficial or not—remains to be seen.

U.S. News coverage:


U.S. News Response to Boycott

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