Paul L. Caron

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Today's Pepperdine And Tax AALS Highlights

AALS TaxSection on Associate Deans for Academic Affairs and Research, LLM (Law, Learning and Motivation): Transforming Legal Education via Learning and Motivation Principles
1–1:50 pm Marriott Grand Ballroom 9, Lobby Level, North Tower

Legal education and support are often described as entrenched in traditional methods of teaching and assessing student learning. Pedagogical considerations in law school classrooms and law school support systems rarely include a focus on how learning and motivation theory, and their practical applications, can positively impact the law student experience. In this session, participants will learn how to apply learning and motivation principles in the law school, with the overall goal of maximizing student learning and engagement, including a focus on self-regulation, goal setting, self-evaluation, cognitive load, emotions, and self-efficacy.

  • Olympia Duhart (Nova) (moderator)
  • Jeffrey Baker (Pepperdine)
  • Chalak Richards (Pepperdine)
  • Deepika Sharma (USC)
  • Nickey Woods (USC)

Section on Taxation, Teaching Tax: Methods and Approaches for the Modern Student
3–4:40 pm Solana, First Floor, South Tower, Marriott

Experienced tax professors will share lessons that they have learned about teaching tax in the last few years of disruption in legal education. Topics will include utilizing technology, incorporating insights from practitioners, and covering issues of racial justice.

  • Orly Mazur (SMU) (moderator)
  • Heather Field (UC-SF)
  • Michael Hatfield (University of Washington)
  • Michelle Kwon (Tennessee)
  • Phyllis Taite (Oklahoma City)

Legal Ed Conferences, Legal Education, Pepperdine Legal Ed, Tax, Tax Conferences, Teaching | Permalink