Paul L. Caron

Thursday, December 29, 2022

Blackman: ChatGPT And Law School Exams

Following up on my previous post, The Implications Of OpenAI’s Assistant For Legal Services And Society:  Josh Blackman (South Texas; Google Scholar), Plagiarism and ChatGPT:

Open AI ChatGPTChatGPT ... uses sophisticated technology to generate answers to questions. These responses are written in plain English, that are easy to understand, and incorporate information from a massive neural network. These responses are not perfect, but may pass muster with professors who are short on time. The temptation for cheating is real. And one professor in South Carolina caught plagiarism. He wrote about it on Facebook, and the New York Post followed up.

This technology should strike fear in all academics.

ChatGPT does not work like TurnItIn, and other plagiarism detection software. The software generates new answers on the fly. And each time you run the app, a different answer will be spit out. There is no word-for-word plagiarism, or poor paraphrasing. Each answer is unique. And ChatGPT is constantly evolving. It gets smarter as more people use the system, and the neural network grows. The system was only launched three weeks ago. By May, the system will be far more sophisticated, as it incorporates everything that comes before. Like the Borg, students will assimilate; resistance is futile. ...

In the near term, all students should receive a stern talking-to about these tools. In the long run, courts may start dealing with briefs written by ChatGTP. Judgment day is coming.

UpdateA Guest Post on Plagiarism and ChatGPT (written by ChatGPT from this prompt: "Write a post about plagiarism and ChatGPT in the voice of Professor Josh Blackman)

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