Paul L. Caron

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

WSJ: The Georgetown Law School Purge

Following up on yesterday's post, Ilya Shapiro Quits Georgetown Law: 'Dumb Tweets For Me, But Not For Thee':  Wall Street Journal Editorial, The Georgetown Law School Purge:

Georgetown (2016)Ilya Shapiro resigns as the woke mob sets him up for dismissal.

Optimists have opined that America has reached “peak woke” as a backlash against it grows. Think again, as the experience of Ilya Shapiro demonstrates.

Nearby Mr. Shapiro describes his treatment at the hands of Georgetown University Law School, which had hired him to be the executive director of its Constitution Center. Mr. Shapiro is a libertarian-minded legal scholar who sometimes writes for these pages. Georgetown, like most law schools, is dominated by progressives, often of the intolerant and vindictive variety.

But Mr. Shapiro was encouraged by dean William Treanor and the school’s Speech and Expression Policy, which promises to defend dissenting voices on campus. His painful education has been discovering that some speech is more protected than others. ...

The episode underscores again that American academia is dominated by the censoring left. Mr. Treanor has shown himself to be a weak man who bends to the mob. When the left-wing mob won’t tolerate a thoughtful scholar like Mr. Shapiro, it shouldn’t be surprised if the response becomes a right-wing mob.

Manhattan Institute, Ilya Shapiro Joins the Manhattan Institute as Director of Constitutional Studies

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