Wednesday, June 22, 2022
Free Webinar Today On Job Opportunities In The Office Of Tax Policy (U.S. Treasury Department)
The ABA Tax Section is hosting a free webinar today at 1:00 PM ET on Opportunities to Influence Change: Legal Jobs in the Office of Tax Policy (register here):
The Office of Tax Policy at the Treasury Department is responsible for developing and implementing the tax policies and programs of the United States, drafting tax regulations, negotiating tax treaties, and providing legal analysis of tax policy decisions. But what does all of that really mean? Please join members of the Office of Tax Policy to learn about the day-to-day experience of working as an attorney-advisor, and to discover potential career opportunities that let you be on the forefront of developments in tax law, all while serving the public interest.
- Lily Batchelder, Assistant Secretary for Tax Policy
- Krishna Vallabhaneni, Tax Legislative Counsel
- Shelley Leonard, Deputy Tax Legislative Counsel
- Colin Campbell, Attorney-Advisor, Office of Tax Legislative Counsel
- Lindsay Kitzinger, Acting International Tax Counsel
- James Wang, Attorney-Advisor, Office of International Tax Counsel
- Carol Weiser, Benefits Tax Counsel
- Matthew Muma, Attorney-Advisor, Office of Benefits Counsel