Paul L. Caron

Saturday, January 22, 2022

Videos: How To Do Legal Research And Tax Research

How To Do Legal Research
Learn or review how to do effective legal research. Indiana University law librarian Ashley Ahlbrand walks through the steps involved in the legal research process.

How To Do Tax Research
This video covers both legal research generally & variations specific to tax. Indiana University law librarian Ashley Ahlbrand walks through the steps involved in doing effective tax law research. The video also covers primary vs. secondary sources and tax-specific sources.

Sources of Tax Authority
This video covers sources of tax law, explaining what the main sources of tax authority are and where to find them, as well as sources of tax news. Indiana University law librarian Ashley Ahlbrand covers primary vs. secondary authority, precedential vs. persuasive authority, and sources of "substantial authority" for purposes of the substantial understatement penalty.

TaxProf Blog coverage of Break Into Tax videos:

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