Paul L. Caron

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Leiter: ABA Ignores Critics Of Anti-Racism, Bias Training Accreditation Standards

Following up on yesterday's post, ABA Standards Committee Approves Anti-Racism, Bias Training As New Accreditation Standards For Law Schools:  Brian Leiter (Chicago), Standards Committee Ignores Critics, and Does What It Wants:

What an embarrassment. ... The Committee has obviously been captured by special interests, who are more concerned with posturing than the costs it is imposing on law schools. If this wasteful and ill-considered proposal is to be stopped, it will have to be at the next stages. ...

Everyone's favorite Twitter buffoon thinks that anyone skeptical about the ABA proposals must not be serious about "racism in legal education."  I hope the Sterling Professors at Yale will take note, not to mention his colleague Professor Rozenshtein!

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