Tuesday, May 11, 2021
Jake Brooks To Leave Georgetown For Fordham
John R. Brooks (Georgetown) has accepted a lateral offer from Fordham to begin in Fall 2022. Jake's recent publications include:
- Tax Now or Tax Never: Political Optionality and the Case for Current-Assessment Tax Reform, 100 N.C. L. Rev. ___ (2021) (with David Gamage (Indiana))
- Why a Wealth Tax Is Definitely Constitutional (with David Gamage (Indiana))
- Redesigning Education Finance: How Student Loans Outgrew the “Debt” Paradigm, 109 Geo. L.J. 5 (2020) (with Adam Levitin (Georgetown))
- Curing the Cost Disease: Legal Education, Legal Services, and the Role of Income-Contingent Loans, 68 J. Legal Educ. 521 (2019)
- Cross-Subsidies: Government's Hidden Pocketbook, 106 Geo. L.J. 1229 (2018) (with Brian Galle (Georgetown) & Brendan Maher (Connecticut))
- The Definitions of Income, 71 Tax L. Rev. 253 (2018)
- The Case for More Debt: Expanding College Affordability by Expanding Income-Driven Repayment, 2018 Utah L. Rev. 847 (reviewed by Ariel Kleiman (Loyola-L.A. here)
- Income-Driven Repayment and the Public Financing of Higher Education, 104 Geo. L.J. 229 (2016)
- Quasi-Public Spending, 104 Geo. L.J. 1057 (2016)
- Fiscal Federalism as Risk-Sharing: The Insurance Role of Redistributive Taxation, 68 Tax L. Rev. 89 (2014)
- Taxation, Risk, and Portfolio Choice: The Treatment of Returns to Risk Under a Normative Income Tax, 66 Tax L. Rev. 255 (2013)
- Doing Too Much: The Standard Deduction and the Conflict Between Progressivity and Simplification, 2 Colum. J. Tax L. 203 (2011)