Paul L. Caron

Thursday, May 13, 2021

ABA Tax Section Virtual 2021 May Meeting

The ABA Tax Section virtual 2021 May Meeting continues today (program). Today's highlight:

ABA TaxTeaching Taxation: Law Schools and Access to Tax Justice 12:30 PM ET:
How can law schools help improve access to tax justice? Panelists will present models of law school courses through which students provide tax services or representation to taxpayers, or for which access to justice is the primary subject of the course. The panel will engage a variety of perspectives including different areas of tax law, different pedagogical approaches, and different institutional commitments by the law schools. Topics will include Volunteer Income Tax Assistance, Low-Income Taxpayer Clinics, a seminar on Taxes and Social Justice, a Business Tax Practicum, and the Adopt-a-Base program.

  • Alice Abreu (Temple)
  • Michelle Lyon Drumbl (Washington & Lee) (moderator)
  • C. Wells Hall III (Nelson Mullins, Charlotte, NC)
  • Matthew T. James (Temple)
  • Francine Lipman (UNLV)
  • Manoj Viswanathan (UC-Hastings)

Other Tax Profs with speaking roles include:

  • Employment Taxes:  Caroline Bruckner (American), Jonathan Barry Forman (Oklahoma)
  • Individual & Family Taxation:  Michelle Lyon Drumbl (Washington & Lee) (moderator), Pamela Herd (Georgetown)
  • Pro Bono & Tax Clinics:  Robert Nassau (Syracuse), Beverly Winstead (Maryland) (moderator)
  • Sales, Exchanges & Basis:  Annette Nellen (San Jose State)
  • Tax Policy & Simplification:  Mindy Hertzfeld (Florida)
  • Tribute to Bill Lyons (Nebraska), Associate Editor-in-Chief, The Tax Lawyer (non-CLE)

ABA Tax Section, Conferences, Tax, Tax Conferences | Permalink