Paul L. Caron

Saturday, March 6, 2021

Katherine Magbanua May Be Retried In The Fall For Dan Markel's Murder

WCTV, Magbanua Retrial Likely This Fall:

Magnauba (2021)Katherine Magbanua, one of three people accused in the murder of FSU Law Professor Dan Markel, could stand trial this fall.

Magbanua was originally scheduled to be retried in April 2020, but the COVID-19 pandemic delayed her case and thousands more.

Circuit Judge Robert Wheeler said in a hearing Thursday that he wants to set a tentative trial date. He proposed a two-week trial in July, but the defense requested a trial after Labor Day due to health concerns. ...

Judge Wheeler is planning to check his calendar and is aiming for a trial date in September or October. He set another case management hearing for May 6 in hopes of setting a realistic date then.

Prior TaxProf Blog coverage:

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