Paul L. Caron

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Inmate Says Convicted Dan Markel Hit Man Claims Prosecutor Coerced Him To Lie On The Stand

Tallahassee Democrat, Cases Cross: Fellow Inmate Says Convicted Dan Markel Killer Claims He Was Coerced to Lie on Stand:

Garcia 2An inmate held on suspicion of a different murder in Leon County is claiming that Luis Rivera, one of three people charged in Dan Markel’s fatal shooting, repeatedly told him and other inmates that he was coerced into lying on the witness stand about his co-conspirators’ involvement.

In letters sent to the Miami legal team of Katherine Magbanua, the last Markel murder suspect still facing trial, Walter Rayborn, an inmate at Leon County Detention Facility, claims that Rivera told him and other Leon County Detention Facility inmates that he’d lied on the stand at the direction of Assistant State Attorney Georgia Cappleman.

Rivera’s testimony in the case led to the arrest of Magbanua and the conviction and life sentence for trigger man Sigfredo Garcia for Markel’s 2014 shooting.

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