Paul L. Caron

Monday, December 7, 2020

The Curious Case Of Howard Law School’s Peer Ranking

Michael Conklin (Angelo State University), The Curious Case of Howard Law School’s Peer Ranking:

Howard (2020)The U.S. News & World Report provides law school rankings based on a peer score (hereinafter “peer rank”) and an overall score (hereinafter “overall rank”). A law school’s peer rank is generally closely associated with its overall rank. For example, in the 2021 rankings more than 60% of law schools have peer ranks that are within nine places of their overall ranks. A glaring outlier is Howard University School of Law, whose peer rank is forty-six places higher than its overall rank. Even more peculiar is that this peer–overall disparity has existed every year for the last ten years during which it has experienced a gradual upward trend. This Essay analyzes the significance of the peer rank and considers potential explanations for this divergence.

Legal Ed Rankings, Legal Education | Permalink


Well peer score counts for 25% of the overall score. Bar passage rate 2%, acceptance rate 2.5%. But hey peer score is derived from liberal elite academic opinion!

Posted by: moron | Dec 8, 2020 8:01:42 AM

Let me guess. The 'R' word.

Posted by: Anon | Dec 7, 2020 5:29:15 PM