Paul L. Caron

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

ABA Tax Section Virtual Meeting

The ABA Tax Section Virtual 2020 Fall Meeting kicks off today. The full program is here. Today's highlight is Beyond CARES: Tax and Economic Policy Responses to the Ongoing COVID Pandemic (Teaching Taxation Committee (10:00 − 11:30 AM ET)):

ABA Virtual TaxIn March, 2020, Congress enacted the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act to ameliorate economic shocks to U.S. households from the COVID pandemic and lockdowns. The CARES Act included temporary: (1) Economic Impact Payments to individuals and families of up to $1,200 per adult (subject to income limitations) and $500 per child under 17 years old; (2) Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) forgivable loans to businesses, including independent contractors, to cover up to eight weeks of payroll costs or to pay interest on mortgages, rent, and utilities; and (3) supplemental Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation (FPUC) of $600 per week. Following expiration of CARES Act relief, the question is: what new COVID economic relief package is advisable? Members of Congress and policymakers disagree about the best approaches to counteract the continuing economic shocks to households from the pandemic. Panelists, including experts in tax, economics, and public policy will discuss tax and related policy responses to COVID economic relief going forward. Panel topics include proposals: to expand and increase the Earned Income Tax Credit; to expand and increase the Child Tax Credit; to reduce payroll taxes; to extend FPUC benefits; to increase federal subsidies to states; and to enact a federal VAT or Carbon Tax, which could fund an expanded EITC or Child Tax Credit or a lump sum Basic Income for Americans. Panelists will consider potential gender, racial, and socio-economic disparities in the economic impact of (1) the COVID pandemic and (2) pandemic relief proposals.


  • Alice Abreu (Temple) (Moderator)
  • Wendy Edelberg (The Hamilton Project, Brookings Institution)
  • Miranda Fleischer (San Diego)
  • Brian Galle (Georgetown)
  • Elaine Maag (Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center)
  • Gabriel Sanchez (New Mexico)
  • Darien Shanske (UC-Davis)
  • Betsy Stevenson (Michigan)

ABA Tax Section, Conferences, Tax, Tax Conferences | Permalink


Thanks to Katie Pratt for conceiving and organizing a terrific panel and to the panelists, who were all superb. The recording of the program is available on the ABA meeting site.

Posted by: ALICE ABREU | Sep 30, 2020 10:22:37 AM