Paul L. Caron

Monday, August 31, 2020

Bahadur: High 1L Attrition And 2L Transfer Rates Contribute To Florida International's Over Performance On The Bar Exam

Following up on my previous posts about Florida International Law School's over performance on the bar exam (links below):  Rory D. Bahadur (Washburn), Blinded by Science? A Reexamination of the Bar Ninja and Silver Bullet Bar Program Cryptids, 49 J.L. & Educ. ___ (2020):

FIU LogoClaims being made by Florida International University (FIU) Law School’s academic support program that the school’s radically improved bar exam passage rates are due solely to the implementation of a “Scientific Academic Support Program” are gaining ground. Such assertions however fail to account for several confounding variables that could have contributed to the improved scores.

A detailed review of the oft-overlooked but publicly available data provided by FIU in its annual ABA Standard Information Reports reveals two such variables: (1) significantly higher than average 1L attrition rates and (2) extensive incoming high GPA 2L transfer rates accounting for a substantial percentage of the class cohort. FIU’s geographic proximity to more expensive private law schools in combination with the State of Florida’s mere 1-year residency requirement for in-state tuition make transferring to FIU as a 2L uniquely appealing.

Prior TaxProf Blog coverage:

Legal Ed News, Legal Ed Scholarship, Legal Education | Permalink


Huh? Wut? Have you looked at the 509 forms the author mentioned in his work? The school only lost 7, 5, 0 and 4 people to transfers in the years 2012-2015 respectively which corresponds to the classes enrolled three years before the bar exam in 2015-2018

Posted by: BarObserver25 | Sep 13, 2020 2:32:56 AM

Since those who are successful in transferring out of a school to a higher-ranked school tend to be the ones with higher grades, wouldn't the high rate of transfers out of FIU mean the bar pass rate is all the more notable, since it is those with lower grades (who may have also had lower entering stats) who graduate from FIU and take the bar?

Posted by: Kevin | Sep 1, 2020 6:22:29 PM