Wednesday, July 1, 2020
Oregon Is Third State To Offer Diploma Privilege To 2020 Law Graduates (All In-State Law Schools, Out-Of-State Law Schools With 86%+ Bar Pass Rate)
Following up on my previous post, Oregon Law School Deans Request Emergency Diploma Privilege For All Students Registered For July Bar Exam: NCBE, Oregon Bar Update (June 30, 2020):
The Oregon Supreme Court announced on June 29 that it would grant a one-time diploma privilege to candidates who timely submitted complete applications for the July 2020 Oregon bar exam and who either 1) graduated in 2020 from one of the three Oregon law schools or 2) graduated in 2020 from any other ABA-accredited law school that had a minimum of 86% of graduates pass a 2019 bar exam on their first attempt. For those candidates who do not qualify for the diploma privilege option, the Court has announced 1) a one-time reduction in the passing score for the July exam from 274 to 266; and 2) the option to instead take a remotely administered exam in October, with scores on that exam not qualifying as UBE scores.
Derek Muller (Iowa), Three Curiosities of Oregon's Diploma Privilege Rule for the 2020 Bar Exam
- Above the Law, Oregon Adopts Diploma Privilege
- Karen Sloan (, National Momentum Builds for Diploma Privilege as Oregon Makes Bar Exam Optional
- Willamette Week, Oregon Supreme Court Agrees to Waive July Bar Exam for 2020 Oregon Law School Grads
Prior TaxProf Blog Posts:
- Utah To Let Grads Skip Bar Exam Due To COVID-19, But Only From Schools With 86%+ Bar Pass Rate; Grads Of Just 4 Of California's 21 Law Schools Would Qualify (Final Order)
- Washington Supreme Court Grants Diploma Privilege To All Bar Applicants
86%... Stanford; so all other ABA law schools in California are failure factories?
Posted by: SJ | Jul 1, 2020 7:22:24 PM