Paul L. Caron

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Nation's First Online Bar Exam In Michigan Crashes; ExamSoft Blames Cyberattack

Bloomberg Law, Cyber Attack Locks Michigan Bar Exam Takers Out of Online Test:

Michigan Bar (2020)The Michigan bar exam was the subject of a cyber attack that caused a temporary glitch for test takers, according to the software company administering the online exam.

Test takers were briefly locked out of the exam Tuesday because of a “sophisticated attack specifically aimed at the login process for the ExamSoft Portal,” Nici Sandberg, a representative for ExamSoft, told Bloomberg Law. ...

At 10 a.m., many anxiously refreshed the exam website to no avail after having been locked out. They then flooded ExamSoft’s phone help line. The glitch “left me feeling pretty rattled,” said Kerry Martin, a graduate of the University of Michigan Law School. “I felt much less in the zone.”

Michigan law school graduates became the first cohort in the country to try out a remote bar exam Tuesday.

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The smarter and lower risk decision would have been to go with Prometric, which administers the Uniform CPA Exam in all 50 states. Hacking is always a risk, but you'd think MI bar would have considered track record of provider.

Posted by: tuphat | Jul 29, 2020 6:44:59 AM