Paul L. Caron

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Which Law Schools Produce The Most Law Professors?

PrawfsBlawg, Reddit, and Spivey Consulting have all mined the 2011-2020 data on which law schools produce the most law professors:



Relative to class-size, HLS and NYU are a bit less impressive than their raw numbers suggest, and SLS and Chicago a bit more. Michigan, Berkley, and GULC also have larger-than-average class sizes, and Duke a bit smaller. I didn't want to dig through ABA reports and add up graduating class sizes from the last 8 years, but given the general trends they appear to divide up roughly into tiers, in terms of per capita academic placement:

  1. YLS
  2. SLS, HLS, Chicago, NYU
  3. CLS, UVA, Michigan, Berkeley, Duke, NU, GULC
  4. Penn, Cornell, Hebrew U, Vandy, Texas, UCLA, Iowa
  5. Everywhere else

Legal Ed News, Legal Education | Permalink


Unemployed Troll: "Contrast with this post a bit further down."

And your point is? There's nothing in that article that relates to or is contradicted by the concentration of law professors graduating from certain schools. The hierarchy he explores is how law students are treated compared to other social science and humanities departments, the peer review process, etc.

What's wrong, are you out of brain food for breakfast?

Posted by: MM | Jun 12, 2020 11:46:19 PM

Contrast with this post a bit further down Taxprof: "John Hasnas (Georgetown), Hierarchy? What Hierarchy? Why Legal Education Is the Most Egalitarian Form of Higher Education, 91 Temple L. Rev. Blog (Mar. 26, 2020)"

Posted by: Unemployed Northeastern | Jun 11, 2020 9:25:46 AM