Monday, June 1, 2020
Law School Applicants Are Down 3.2%, With Biggest Declines Among Midwest, 120-164 LSATs, And African-Americans
We are 95% through the Fall 2020 admissions cycle. The number of law school applicants are down 3.2%, and the number of LSAT scores are down 6.8%.
Applicants are down the most in the Midwest (-9.9%), New England (-5.7%), and South Central (-5.4%) and the least in the Northwest (-1.8%), Far West (-3.2%), and Southeast (-3.4%):
Applicants' LSAT scores in the 120-164 band are down 8.8% and are up 4.5% in the 165-180 band:
Black/African-American applicants are down 4.9%, white applicants are down 4.1%, and Hispanic/Latino applicants are down 1.8%; Asian applicants are up 1.4%:
Update: 99% Through The Fall 2020 Applicant Cycle: Law School Applicants Are Up 0.1%, With Biggest Increases Among Southeast, 165-180 LSATs, And Those Who Declined To Reveal Their Ethnicity (July 13, 2020)
Prof Caron,
Does LSAC just extrapolate the number of applicants from its LSAT data and submissions? Now that the GRE is accepted at 1/3 or 2/5 of law schools, might it be incomplete?
Posted by: Unemployed Northeastern | Jun 9, 2020 4:52:25 PM