Paul L. Caron

Monday, June 1, 2020

Call For Papers: The Impact Of COVID-19 On Legal Education

Journal Of Legal Education Call For Papers: The Impact Of COVID-19 On Legal Education And The Legal Profession:

Journal of Legal Education (2020)The momentous happenings of our lifetime become tomorrow’s history. The coronavirus pandemic ranks atop our era’s list of transformational events as an unprecedented global emergency. Economies plummeting; jobs lost; families separated; our physical, mental, and social health threatened: how have those of us in legal education responded? We know that this Spring many campuses were shuttered and classes went on-line in a matter of days. Determining when we return to “normal”—or even what “normal” will mean—may now seem beyond comprehension. But difficult as it may be, analysis of what the pandemic has meant and will mean to legal education is critically important to future success.

The Journal of Legal Education is proud to partner with the AALS Section on Teaching Methods and the University of Miami School of Law in organizing a symposium issue devoted to COVID-19’s impact on legal education and the legal profession and the dramatic and immediate changes the pandemic has engendered. One particular topic of intense interest is the multiple experiences with on-line teaching in many forms now taking place around the country and the world. The symposium will feature articles on such pedagogy and its relevance to the broader trend in higher education toward on-line formats. At the same time, we seek to view the current moment through a broader lens that explores reactions to the current crisis in all aspects of legal education and the profession, not simply those stemming from the shift to the electronic classroom. Discussions of historical parallels to earlier disruptions are also encouraged.

The Journal welcomes thoughtful essays and think pieces that document our responses to the crisis, offer analyses of how legal education has been changed, and venture predictions about the changes that will remain or be implemented in the future. This issue will be as important today as it will be for historians in the years to come.

Submissions should be emailed to [email protected] and are due by August 1, 2020.

For complete TaxProf Blog coverage of the coronavirus, see here.

Coronavirus, Legal Ed Scholarship, Legal Education | Permalink
