Friday, May 29, 2020
Weekly Legal Education Roundup
- ABA, Ten Law Schools Are Out Of Compliance With 75% Bar Passage Accreditation Requirement
- ABA Journal, 10 law schools were found out of compliance with bar passage standard, ABA legal ed section says
- Swethaa Ballakrishnen (UC-Irvine) & Carole Silver (Northwestern), Language, Culture, and the Culture of Language: International JD Students in U.S. Law Schools, in Power, Legal Education, and Law School Cultures
- Josh Blackman (South Texas), The Empty Threat of 2Ls and 3Ls Transferring To Receive In-Person Instruction
- Paul Caron (Dean, Pepperdine), Pepperdine Caruso Law School's 2020-21 Visiting Professors
- Chronicle of Higher Education, Movement Builds To Suspend U.S. News Rankings During COVID-19 Pandemic
- Bridget J. Crawford (Pace), Law Faculty Experiences Teaching During the Pandemic
- Darby Dickerson (AALS President and Dean, UIC John Marshall), President’s Message: Promoting Candor
- Yvonne Dutton (Indiana-Indianapolis) & Seema Mohapatra (Indiana-Indianapolis), COVID-19 and Law Teaching: Guidance on Developing an Asynchronous Online Course for Law Students
- Jamie Hwang (ABA Journal), An unprecedented finale to the first year of law school, starring COVID-19
- Jan M. Levine (Duquesne), Legal Writing as a Discipline: Past, Present, and Future
- Michael Madison (Pitt), Faculty Perspectives: The ABA Commission on the Future of Legal Education
- Karen Sloan (, First-Ever Open Book, Online Bar Exam Set for July
- Ilya Somin (George Mason), Some Tentative Suggestions for Safely Restarting In-Person Teaching at Universities
- U.S. News & World Report, 10 Law Schools That Offer the Most Tuition Help