Paul L. Caron

Friday, March 27, 2020

Law Students Share Anxiety, Support On Reddit Over Grading Policies In Wake Of Coronavirus

Karen Sloan (, 'I Feel Like Stress Crying': Law Students Share Anxiety, Support on Reddit:

CoronavirusWant to know how law students are handling life amid a pandemic?

The section of online forum Reddit that is dedicated to law schools—r/LawSchool—offers an unfiltered look at what is keeping future lawyers up at night. Hundreds of students are swapping information on their school’s grading policies and offering updates on how their online classes are working. They’re also sharing their concerns over jobs, internships and their ability to concentrate and study during an unprecedented period of upheaval in their lives. Because users are anonymous, their posts tend to be far more candid that what students share on their class list serves and social media.

“Today I just feel like stress crying,” wrote one poster—a sentiment echoed by many others on the site.

“The uncertainty of whether my family or I will get sick, the unknown of how remote learning will affect my ability to study, and the lack of decision from my school on what to do about grades (they’re “still deciding”) is giving me anxiety!”

For complete TaxProf Blog coverage of the coronavirus, see here.

Coronavirus, Legal Ed News, Legal Education | Permalink
