Friday, February 28, 2020
Fellowships For Aspiring Law Professors (Updated 2019-20 Edition)
Update: Fellowships For Aspiring Law Professors (Updated 2024-25 Edition) (Aug. 21, 2024)
For practitioners and others contemplating joining the law professor ranks, many law schools offer wonderful opportunities to transition into the legal academy with one- or two-year fellowships which allow you to enter the AALS Faculty Recruitment Conference (the "meat market") and the new SEALS Faculty Recruitment Conference with published scholarship (and in many cases teaching experience) under your belt. Here is an updated list of the law schools with fellowship and VAP programs (thanks to AALS President Judith Areen for allowing me to include in this listing positions in the AALS' new directory):
General Programs:
Subject Specific Programs:
I’d be careful. These aren’t so much fellowships as internships. They can be useful but also exploitative in nature.
Posted by: Mike Livingston | Feb 28, 2020 4:30:09 AM