Paul L. Caron

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Fellowships For Aspiring Law Professors (2019-20 Edition)

UpdateFellowships For Aspiring Law Professors (Updated 2024-25 Edition) (Aug. 21, 2024)

For practitioners and others contemplating joining the law professor ranks, many law schools offer wonderful opportunities to transition into the legal academy with one- or two-year fellowships which allow you to enter the AALS Faculty Recruitment Conference (the "meat market") and the new SEALS Faculty Recruitment Conference with published scholarship (and in many cases teaching experience) under your belt. Here is an updated list of the law schools with fellowship and VAP programs (thanks to AALS President Judith Areen for allowing me to include in this listing positions in the AALS' new directory):

General Programs:

Law School Program Name
Arizona State Visiting Assistant Professor Program
Boston University Visiting Assistant Professor Program
Chicago Harry A. Bigelow Teaching Fellowships
Columbia Associates in Law Program
Columbia Academic Fellows Program
Connecticut Visiting Scholars Program
Cornell Visiting Assistant Professorships
Duke Visiting Assistant Professor Program
Georgetown Graduate Teaching Fellowships
Georgetown Georgetown Law Research Fellowship
Georgetown Visiting Researcher Program
Harvard Climenko Fellowship
Harvard Reginald F. Lewis Fellowship for Law Teaching
Illinois Illinois Academic Fellowship Program
Iowa Iowa Law Faculty Fellowship
Loyola-New Orleans Westerfield Fellows Program
Michigan Michigan Faculty Fellows Program (VAP)
Michigan Michigan Society of Fellows Program
NYU Acting Assistant Professors
NYU Furman Academic Fellowship Program
Northwestern Visiting Scholars Program
Pennsylvania The George Sharswood Fellowship
Stetson Bruce R. Jacob Visiting Assistant Professor Program
Wake Forest Visiting Assistant Professor Program
Washington Visiting Scholars Program
Wisconsin The Hastie Fellowship Program
Yale Fellowship Home Page (for Yale grads)

Subject Specific Programs:

Law School      Program Name
Baltimore Bronfein Family Law Clinic Fellowship
Baltimore Community Development Clinic Fellowship
Baltimore Immigrant Rights Clinic Fellowship
Mediation Clinic for Families and Clinic on Legal Data and Design Fellowship
Baltimore Saul Ewing Civil Advocacy Clinical Fellowship
Baltimore Veterans Advocacy Clinic Fellowship
Boston University Visiting Assistant Professor in Health Law
Columbia Fellowship in Climate Change Law
Columbia James Milligan Law Review Fellowships (for Columbia Law Review alumni)
George Washington Business, Finance, and Entrepreneurship Law Fellowship
George Washington Frank H. Marks Intellectual Property Fellowship
Georgetown Center for the Constitution Fellowships and Visiting Lecturers
Georgetown Clinical Graduate Teaching Fellowships
Georgetown Global Health Law Fellowships
Georgetown Graduate Fellowships in State and Local Taxation
Harvard Animal Law and Policy Program Academic Fellowship
Harvard Animal Law and Policy Program Visiting Fellowship
Harvard Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University Fellowship
Harvard Human Rights Program Visiting Fellows Program
Harvard Postdoctoral Fellowship in Private Law
Harvard Program on Corporate Governance Academic Fellow
Harvard Program on Negotiation Graduate Research Fellowship
Harvard Qualcomm Postdoctoral Fellowship in Private Law and Intellectual Property
Harvard Raoul Berger-Mark De Worlfe How Legal History Fellowship
Loyola-Chicago Institute for Consumer Antitrust Studies Research Fellowship
Missouri-Kansas City UMKC Law Advocacy Teaching Fellowships
NYU NYU Furman Center Post-Graduate Legal Research Fellowships
NYU Samuel I. Goleib Fellowship in Legal History
NYU Wagner Fellowship in Law & Business
Pennsylvania Center for Ethics and Rule of Law Fellowship
Pennsylvania Center for Technology, Innovation and Competition (CTIC) Postdoctoral Fellowship
Pennsylvania Quattrone Center Research Fellowship 2019-2020
Princeton The Arthur J. Liman Public Interest Law Fellowship
Stanford Constitutional Law Center Fellowships
Stanford The Rock Center for Corporate Governance Fellowship
Stanford The Stanford Center for Legal Informatics CodeX Fellowships
Stanford The Transatlantic Technology Law Forum (TTLF) Fellowships
Stetson Program in Law and Public Affairs (LAPA) Fellows Program
Tennessee Clayton Center for Entrepreneurial Law Visting Professor Program
Tulane Murphy Institute Visiting Assistant Professorship
Tulane Yongxiong International Credit Law Fellowship
UCLA Critical Race Studies Fellowship Program
UCLA Emmett/Frankel Fellowship in Environmental Law and Policy 2019-2021
UCLA Law and Philosophy Program Post Doctoral Fellowship
Yale Information Society Project (Law and Technology) Resident Fellowship
Yale Robina Foundation Post-Graduate Fellowships in International Human Rights

Fellowships & VAPs, Legal Ed News, Legal Education | Permalink
