Monday, June 17, 2019
After Ouster From Deanship For Representing Harvey Weinstein, Law Prof Blasts Harvard's Capitulation To A 'Loud Minority Of Students'
- Boston Globe, Harvard Dean Ousted After Weinstein Case to Challenge School on Academic Freedom From Within
- CNN, The Harvard Law Professor Who Represented Harvey Weinstein Is Speaking Out Against the University
- Harvard Crimson, Winthrop Faculty Deans Announce Plans to Challenge Harvard
- The Hill, Harvard Professor Allegedly Ousted as Faculty Dean For Representing Harvey Weinstein Condemns Decision
- Powerline, Cowardice at Harvard
- Reason, ACLU Says Harvard 'Sacrificed Principles Central to Our Legal System' When It Fired Ron Sullivan
- USA Today, Former Harvard Dean, Removed After Defending Weinstein, Speaks Out For First Time Since Ouster, Condemns School
- Washington Examiner, From John Adams to Ronald Sullivan, How Far Harvard Has Fallen
Would it be any less horrible if the students who did not "feel safe" around the lawyer for someone they despise (a large category) and to whom Harvard capitulated were a majority, or were quiet?
Posted by: Egg0 | Jun 17, 2019 12:20:25 PM
Not in a woke America Ron. Not in a woke America.
Posted by: John Trinidad | Jun 17, 2019 10:45:12 AM
Harvard Law School should have their credentials pulled after this. How can you possibly be considered a "law school" and fire a professor for representing a client in court? How can you live in the United States and let mob rule be a guide in a decision like this? No one should trust a law school that does this.
Posted by: bflat8979 | Jun 17, 2019 10:28:06 AM
Recall the old adage about revolutions consuming their own. Harvard has turned on two black members of their faculty.
Posted by: Michael W. Perry | Jun 17, 2019 3:46:06 PM