Tuesday, March 26, 2019
Online Law School Courses Pass The Test
ABA Journal, If Taught Well, Online Law School Courses Can Pass the Test, Experts Say:
The skills for teaching online law school courses are not unlike those needed for the practice of law. Both require concise writing, well-organized outlines and the ability to speak without appearing that you’re reading from a script, says Ellen Murphy, assistant dean of instructional technologies and design at Wake Forest University School of Law.
And despite the stereotypes about online offerings being low-quality, Murphy says that when the courses are done well, students and professors may have a better connection than they would with in-person classes. With online learning, she adds, “you can’t hide in the back row.”
I am in favor of expanded choices, but I hope consumers soundly reject this garbage of online law school. You can't do everything from your parents' basement. Part of law practice is meeting with people in real life and (gasp) public speaking. If you are making the investment of time and money to go to law school, you should be all in. That means living and learning from people who have chosen the same path. Trying to dedicate only part of your life to law school often results in a wasted degree.
Also, if we're going online, go all the way and offer recorded online programs that cost $500 a class. Setting tuition for online programs the same as live class is absurd, and I don't think the market will go for it.
Posted by: JM | Mar 27, 2019 7:32:29 AM