Paul L. Caron

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Death Of Charles Kingson

KingsonNew York Times Obituary, Charles Kingson:

Charles Isaac Kingson (Charley) of New York City died peacefully on February 26, 2019 in the company of his wife and daughter. He was 80 years old and had spent his career as a tax lawyer. Born in New York City, he attended the Horace Mann School and graduated from Phillips Exeter Academy, Harvard College and Harvard Law School. A longtime partner at Willkie, Farr and Gallagher, he served as the Treasury Department's deputy international tax counsel under the Carter Administration, where he wrote the initial regulations under section 367 of the tax code, establishing rules for reorganizations and liquidations involving foreign corporations. A gifted pianist, conversationalist and thinker, he spent his later years teaching his craft at New York University Law School, Yale Law School, Penn Law School and Columbia Law School. He leaves his beloved wife, Nancy Sharf Kingson, and daughter, Jennifer A. Kingson, and two grandchildren, Valerie Kingson Bloom and Jeffrey Kingson Bloom.

Hat Tip: Larry Lokken.

Obituaries, Tax | Permalink


Mr. Kingson was a wonderful teacher and inspiring mentor to me and many other law students. Rest in peace, Professor...your work carries on.

Posted by: Anand Desai | Mar 12, 2019 10:26:21 PM

I had the pleasure and privilege to work with Mr. Kingson when I was a newly minted tax attorney at Willkie Farr & Gallagher 1983-1986. Mr. Kingson specialized in international and foreign tax topics; it was his work and expertise that helped whet my appetite for this niche area. Here we are 30+ years later, and I have become an international tax specialist working in Hong Kong and now Dubai since leaving NY many years ago. My condolences to his family. Rest in peace, Mr. Kingson.

Posted by: Virginia La Torre Jeker, J.D. | Mar 8, 2019 2:56:09 AM

Charlie was a very smart fellow and a friend during my early years at Cravath. I was privileged to have shared an office with him when I first joined the firm. We both lived on the Upper East side and occasionally rode the subway home together at the end of the day. Good memories of days gone by.

Posted by: Bill | Mar 7, 2019 4:59:48 PM

Charley Kingson was a great man. My first day on the job at Joint Tax in 1982, David Brockway and Richard Gordon gave me his article, The Coherence of International Taxation, to read. He became a friend to me.

Posted by: Patrick Oglesby | Mar 6, 2019 12:54:02 PM

He basically founded international tax as a field.

Posted by: Mike Livingston | Mar 6, 2019 4:28:18 AM