Monday, February 11, 2019
Law School Diversity Rankings
Most Diverse Law Schools (preLaw Winter 2019):
Diversity has increased significantly since the early 1980s, and progress continues. In an effort to track that, The National Jurist has assessed and graded law schools for diversity every other year since 2013.
This year, 60 law schools made our honor roll, which is determined by evaluating the percentage of minority faculty members [30%] and the percentage of students in five racial groups and comparing those to national averages [70%].
This year, 20 law schools received an A+
12 law schools received an A grade (ranked 21-32)
22 law schools received an A- grade (ranked 33-54)
26 law schools received a B+ grade (ranked 55-80)
Diversity of thought > diversity of looks
Posted by: Anon | Feb 12, 2019 10:44:18 AM