Paul L. Caron

Monday, February 12, 2018

Prosecutors Admit They Are No Closer To Arresting Other Suspects In Dan Markel's Murder

SuspectsWTXL, State Attorney Pushing to Try Dan Markel Murder Suspects Together:

Two suspects in the murder of FSU professor Dan Markel had their first appearances Friday morning, facing new charges. ...

"I would like to try them together. I do intend to move forward on that. I don't know if I'll be successful with that," said Georgia Cappleman, the assistant state attorney. "In fact, the judge has indicated a little bit that I may be not be, so I don't know the answer to that question, but we'll leave that up to the court."

The judge set bond for both defendants at $200,000 each, despite the objection of Garcia's attorney.

Prosecutors say the new charges don't indicate they're any closer to arresting anyone else.

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