Paul L. Caron

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

The IRS Scandal, Day 1587: Judicial Watch Says Trump Should Overrule His DOJ And Order A Full Review Of The IRS Scandal

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Town Hall, Judicial Watch: DOJ Giving Lerner a Pass is Bogus and Trump Should Order a Full Review of the Scandal:

Last week the Department of Justice, led by Attorney General Jeff Sessions, announced prosecutors will not pursue charges against former IRS official Lois Lerner. Lerner is infamous for her deliberate targeting of conservative tea party groups between 2010 and 2012 while leading the tax exempt department inside the agency.

The news was immediately met with outrage by House Ways and Means Chairman Kevin Brady, who said the failure to reopen the case against Lerner (which was closed without charges under the Obama administration) only proves that Washington bureaucrats are held to a much lower standard than every day Americans living outside the protective D.C. bubble. ...

Judicial Watch, which is still pursuing documents related to the IRS targeting scandal and has for years, proving Lerner was at the heart of the targeting, is buying none of it and calling on President Trump to intervene.

"I have zero confidence that the Justice Department did an adequate review of the IRS scandal. In fact, we’re still fighting the Justice Department and the IRS for records about this very scandal. Today’s [Friday's] decision comes as no surprise considering that the FBI collaborated with the IRS and is unlikely to investigate or prosecute itself," Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton released in a statement. "President Trump should order a complete review of the whole issue. Meanwhile, we await accountability for IRS Commissioner Koskinen, who still serves and should be drummed out of office."

IRS News, IRS Scandal, Tax | Permalink



Please address the facts as reported by Forbes, specifically those emails between Lois Lerner and the DOJ. Your objection to the source is not relevant, as this information was obtained via a FOIA request, and I know how strongly you feel that the public has no right to know these things.

I'll take your avoidance of the facts as acceptance of them, and validation of my original statement vis-a-vis DOJ and IRS collusion in the targeting of conservative groups.

Thank you!

Posted by: MM | Sep 19, 2017 1:29:17 PM

Come on, Publius, I thought you and your ilk on the Left were only interested in facts, logic, and reason?

Take the facts in the public record, and explain them all away.

I'm all ears. Alternatively, you could justify your presence here, since it's clearly not to learn anything.

Posted by: MM | Sep 16, 2017 6:57:20 PM

Her emails, Pubs, literally her own damn emails, the ones that weren't coincidentally destroyed, twice, accidentally of course. Leave it to a so-called lawyer to fail Critical Thinking 101 and attack the source while avoiding the facts.

But honestly, you don't really care about facts and law. You never did in this case. I've no interest in a discussion of the matter with someone who is unable or unwilling to answer simple questions or conduct basic research.

You might want to consider retiring as pro bono legal defense for the IRS. I doubt anyone's convinced, four years running.

Why the hell do you post on this topic anymore, anyway?

Posted by: MM | Sep 16, 2017 11:38:13 AM

" . . . which has been proven in the public record . . ." Really? Fox News? Breitbart? RedState? World Net Daily? The Dark Web?

Posted by: Publius Novus | Sep 14, 2017 7:28:48 AM

"I have complete confidence in the DOJ’s review of the IRS scandal."

Considering the DOJ originally colluded with the IRS to target conservative groups, which has been proven in the public record, why would anyone interested in country before political party have confidence in the DOJ?

Posted by: MM | Sep 13, 2017 7:42:52 AM

I have complete confidence in the DOJ’s review of the IRS scandal. Nevertheless, I favor the appointment of a special counsel to investigate (re-investigate) the IRS scandal, if only to grant immunity to LLerner and force her to testify. As for Commissioner Koskinen, his term expires in November. If recent history is a guide, an acting commissioner from the ranks of the IRS career executives will take over for an indefinite period, since the Trump Administration apparently sees no need to make nominations for the vast majority of presidential appointments (U.S. attorneys, U.S. marshals, ambassadors, Sec. of Homeland Security, etc.). So if Mr. Koskinen were fired this afternoon, the IRS would be headed by a career employee two months sooner. Why would any president expend political capital for such a purpose? Oops, I forgot he was appointed by President Obama! Please strike the question.

Posted by: Publius Novus | Sep 12, 2017 7:52:15 AM