Paul L. Caron

Thursday, August 24, 2017

The IRS Scandal, Day 1568: (Still) Seeking IRS Accountability

IRS Logo 2Wall Street Journal editorial, (Still) Seeking IRS Accountability:

The Obama Justice Department dismissed the IRS political targeting scandal as no big deal, and the Trump Administration hasn’t been any better. At least the judiciary is still trying to hold someone to account for this government abuse.

In a little noticed decision last week, federal Judge Reggie Walton ordered the IRS to answer a series of questions by Oct. 16. Notably, the tax agency must finally explain the specific reasons for the specific delays in approving each of dozens of conservative nonprofit applications—delays that stifled free speech during a midterm and presidential election. Judge Walton is also requiring the IRS to name the specific individuals that it holds responsible for the targeting.

These are basic questions of political accountability, even if the IRS has stonewalled since 2013. President Obama continued to spin that the targeting was the result of some “boneheaded” IRS line officers in Cincinnati who didn’t understand tax law. Yet Congressional investigations have uncovered clear evidence that the targeting was ordered and directed out of Washington. ...

The Trump Administration also has a duty to provide some answers. The Justice Department and IRS have continued to resist the lawsuits as doggedly as they did in the Obama era. Attorney General Jeff Sessions can change that by ordering government attorneys to quickly and fully comply with Judge Walton’s orders. Seven years is too long to wait for answers over abuses of the government’s taxing power.

IRS News, IRS Scandal, Tax | Permalink


Thanks for your continued efforts. Maggie

Posted by: Nbpundit | Aug 25, 2017 7:12:35 AM

Considering that Jewish groups were targeted during the Iran negotiations and many suspect they were spied on by the NSA or other government organizations and that pro-life groups were also victims, it is inescapable that the actions of the IRS were not only political but directed from the White House.

The DNC media is all over Trump based on fevered dreams but didn't hold Obama to account then or now for acting like a tyrant.

Posted by: wodun | Aug 24, 2017 8:57:10 PM