Paul L. Caron

Sunday, April 23, 2017

The IRS Scandal, Day 1445:  'True The Vote v. IRS' Lawyer: 'The Deep State Is Still Operating'

IRS Logo 2PJ Media, 'True the Vote v. IRS' Lawyer: 'The Deep State Is Still Operating':

A prominent constitutional attorney is sounding the alarm over Obama administration-style behavior by attorneys in President Trump's new administration. Jim Bopp, Jr., the attorney for the plaintiff in the landmark Citizens United suit, told PJ Media that he has seen no change in the attitude of government attorneys since Trump's inauguration:

The Deep State is still operating, no question. ...

I see no evidence the attitude of the IRS has changed. We have a new attorney general, and the Department of Justice is providing the lawyers to defend the IRS in this case. We've seen no change.

Bopp is currently involved with two similarly high-profile suits against the federal government and he says the Trump administration's defense attorneys are presenting arguments indistinguishable from those he faced during Obama's tenure.

In True the Vote v. IRS, election integrity watchdog True the Vote sued the federal government in 2013 over its targeting of pro-liberty non-profit groups for extra scrutiny. This case has wide implications for all non-profits that claimed their tax status was denied or delayed by Lois Lerner and a rogue IRS. ...

It boggles the mind that the IRS in a Trump administration would still be defending the actions of Lois Lerner and the notorious branch in Cincinnati. They had burdened groups with "Tea Party," "Liberty," "Constitution," and other related words in their title with mountains of extra paperwork to affirm their non-profit tax status. Yet, according to Bopp, that is indeed the case. ...

Bopp's observations come amid a renewed push by House Republicans to reopen the case against Lerner for possible prosecution. On April 9, House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady and Tax Policy Subcommittee Chairman Peter Roskam sent a letter to Attorney General Jeff Sessions requesting he reopen the probe.

IRS News, IRS Scandal, Tax | Permalink


And Representative Cummings, the ranking member on the House Oversight Committee, actually worked with the IRS to target this group before the scandal broke in 2013.

Why he was alowed to remain on the Oversight Committee is beyond me. The Chairman should've booted him all the way across town to the Agricultural Committee...

Posted by: MM | Apr 24, 2017 11:29:59 AM

Still a lot of swamp creatures around.

Posted by: wodun | Apr 23, 2017 4:03:50 PM