Paul L. Caron

Saturday, April 8, 2017

The IRS Scandal, Day 1430: At Least 1 Top Republican in Congress Really Likes Commissioner Koskinen

IRS Logo 2Salt Lake City Tribune, At Least 1 Top Republican in Congress Really Likes IRS Head: Orrin Hatch:

At least one powerful Republican in Congress really likes IRS Commissioner John Koskinen. Utah's Orrin Hatch might be the only one.

Hatch gave Koskinen a warm welcome at a Senate hearing Thursday, a day after House Republicans asked President Donald Trump to fire him. "I personally appreciate the work that you have done over the years," Hatch, the Senate's senior Republican and chairman of the powerful Finance Committee, told Koskinen. "I appreciate the service you have given to this wonderful country."

At the other end of the spectrum is another Utah Republican. Rep. Jason Chaffetz has been Koskinen's most fervant detractor, repeatedly seeking his resignation and even calling for his impeachment. Chaffetz not only relentlessly pursued the IRS leader from his perch as House Oversight and Government Reform chairman, but he even testified against him as a witness before the House Judiciary Committee, claiming Koskinen has misused his power, lied and withheld records.

Unprompted, Hatch said he has a good relationship with Koskinen. It's an influential statement of support because Hatch serves as Senate president pro tem — making him third in line to succeed the president. Hatch also led the Senate Finance Committee investigation of allegations the IRS targeted conservative groups for audits, and said Koskinen cooperated.

But Hatch's backing may not be enough to counter the ire against Koskinen from other Republicans, some of whom want him to step down before his five-year-term ends in November.

On Wednesday, 15 GOP members of the House Ways and Means Committee said trust in the IRS has hit rock bottom. They said that under Koskinen, the IRS destroyed evidence when Congress was investigating the tax agency for inappropriately singling out conservative groups for extra scrutiny. ...

Koskinen said he has not heard from anyone in the Trump administration about stepping down.

But in tense exchange at Thursday's hearing, Sen. Pat Roberts, R-Kan., asked Koskinen if he intends to finish his term. "It gives me no pleasure and some degree of sadness," Roberts said. "I have been disappointed in your record at the agency."

Koskinen replied, "I regret that you're disappointed in the performance." Koskinen went on to defend his record. He said the IRS has implemented every recommendation from every investigation into the IRS handling of conservative groups. He said no one at the tax agency hindered any of the investigations.

IRS News, IRS Scandal, Tax | Permalink


Hatch, McCain, and Graham ARE the problem in Washington, DC.

Posted by: VoteOutIncumbents | Apr 9, 2017 4:58:19 AM

I have changed my mind. John Koskinen is definitely not a lizard person. Because if he were, the Lizard People would not let him be seen in public in such a chintzy costume that screams "I AM A LIZARD PERSON!" My guess is that the Lizard People are conflicted. On one hand, Koskinen is doing so much of their work, and making quick progress on many of their goals. But on the other hand, Koskinen is raising, if unintentionally, the profile of Lizard People. In fact, I nearly forgot all about them until Koskinen's strange countenance and mannerisms made me think "something is really off with this dude." It's just far too really easy to imagine him swallowing a live rodent, no?

But seriously, the bloom is off the rose. The IRS is no longer perceived as an organization of professionals, perhaps it never was. The IRS is the Deep State, enabled by complete buffoons like Hatch.

Term limits.

Posted by: Anthony E. Parent, Esq | Apr 8, 2017 5:48:44 PM

Actually, I think Koskinen has been leaking certain the tax returns of certain Democrats to Trump. Koskinen has learned to play the game both ways. In other words, he is a True Weasel.

Posted by: Kneave Riggall | Apr 8, 2017 5:10:43 PM

"Koskinen went on to defend his record. He said the IRS has implemented every recommendation from every investigation into the IRS handling of conservative groups. He said no one at the tax agency hindered any of the investigations."

Yeah, because destructions of subpoenaed documents after they were subpoenaed doesn't hinder any investigation of the facts.

And I'd like to see where the IRS has adopted every recommendation made. If true, that's a poor substitute for terminating employees who clearly engaged in disperate treatment of applicants due to their political orientation.

Has Koskinen followed various recommendations to just stop targeting certain groups who happen to be conservative?

Evidently not:


Try again:

Absolutely gorgeous, the way these unelected career lawyers continue to get away with bureaucratic murder...

Posted by: MM | Apr 8, 2017 11:04:05 AM

Someone's under audit then lol

Posted by: Anon | Apr 8, 2017 9:20:18 AM