Paul L. Caron

Thursday, January 26, 2017

The IRS Scandal, Day 1358: More Reflections On The End Of My Daily Coverage

IRS Logo 2

William Jacobson (Cornell), TaxProf Ends Daily Coverage of IRS Scandals:

After 1352 days, thank you for your service, Sir.

Pepperdine Law Professor Paul Caron, also known as TaxProf at the TaxProf blog, started daily coverage of the IRS scandal(s) several years ago. The College Fix has some good background on the endeavor.

TaxProf probably didn’t think it would last this long. But once you start to cover something daily, it’s hard to stop.

After 1352 days, Tax Prof stopped daily coverage. ...

Thank you for your service, Sir.

Mark Meckler, the man behind the Convention of States movement, writes that monitoring the IRS can’t stop, TaxProfBlog stops daily blog about IRS harassment of conservative groups, so now we need to do this:

Just because Donald Trump is now in office doesn’t mean conservatives can take their eyes off the federal government.

On this blog, I’ve written extensively about the IRS’s targeting of Tea Party groups and have often linked to Paul Caron who has kept a daily update on the scandal at the TaxProfBlog. Unfortunately, his coverage has come to an end ….

…. thank you for the amazing service you provided. But in the meantime, we can’t let up and allow this corruption to go unpunished and allow the tax agency to walk away free from its responsibility. Trump vowed to remove corruption from Washington, and we look forward to watching him make good on his promise.

I agree with Glenn Reynolds at Instapundit who wrote, “There hasn’t been sufficient accountability for the IRS’s gross misbehavior here, but I think that Caron has done a tremendous service by keeping the issue alive for so long. I remain deeply disappointed at how many of his fellow tax professors criticized him for doing so, because they didn’t want Obama and the Democrats to look bad.”

We must stay the fight.

IRS News, IRS Scandal, Tax | Permalink
