Paul L. Caron

Sunday, January 8, 2017

The IRS Scandal, Day 1340:  Tax Professors Discuss The Future Of Tax Administration And Enforcement After 'What The Media Often Refer To As The 'IRS Targeting Scandal''

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Association of American Law Schools Annual Meeting Discussion Group, The Future of Tax Administration and Enforcement (Jan. 7, 2016):

AALS Discussion Groups provide an in-depth discussion of a topic by a small group of invited discussants selected in advance by the Annual Meeting Program Committee. In addition to the invited discussants, additional discussants were selected through a Call for Participation. There will be limited seating for audience members to observe the discussion groups on a first-come, firstserved basis.

Enforcement and effective administration of tax laws pose challenges for every country, developed and developing. Moreover, how the tax law is administered determines the substantive effects of the laws on the books.

In the United States, the agency responsible for helping taxpayers voluntarily comply with federal tax laws and for coercing the recalcitrant into complying—the Internal Revenue Service (IRS)—is not only underfunded, its image was badly damaged by what the media often refer to as the “IRS targeting scandal.” The IRS is thus in crisis. Over the last couple of years, it has reduced service to taxpayers, reduced enforcement efforts, experienced hacks of its confidential taxpayer information, and sent out billions of dollars in fraudulent refunds claimed by identity thieves. Other tax collection agencies, both in U.S. and abroad, also struggle with resource and cybersecurity issues.

IRS News, IRS Scandal, Tax | Permalink


...its image was badly damaged by what the media often refer to as the "IRS targeting scandal."

Heaven forbid the press, and the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration, should describe what occurred accurately:

Perhaps the AALS should drop the semantic games and faux defense of malfeasance, and consider that the IRS may have brought upon itself what the some on the left now refer to as a "crisis"...

Posted by: MM | Jan 8, 2017 5:49:40 PM