Paul L. Caron

Friday, December 9, 2016

TEDx Talk:  Tax Policy, Climate Change, And Innovation

(Click on YouTube button on bottom right to view video directly on YouTube to avoid interruption caused by blog's refresh rate.)

No one likes taxes. But what if tax policy + innovation + direct democracy (ballot initiatives) = a path to mitigate climate change? You might develop a new affection for taxes. If you feel that your elected officials are slow to address climate change - the most pressing issue of our generation, there is another path forward; citizens taking it upon themselves to create laws through direct democracy to successfully mitigate climate change.

Jeff Saviano serves as the global EY organization’s Americas Tax Innovation Leader, directing a team which discovers and brings to market new tax services. Jeff also leads EY’s Americas Indirect & State / Local Tax Services practice, which helps companies manage their state and local taxes in the United States and non-income-based taxes globally. Jeff’s team identifies and secures business and tax governmental incentives for companies making innovation, capital and labor investments across the globe. He advises clients on indirect / state tax policy matters affecting corporate taxpayers. Jeff is a frequent writer and speaker on professional services firm innovation and tax policy.

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