Paul L. Caron

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

The IRS Scandal, Day 1286:  Rep. Jordan Says He Will Continue To Push For IRS Chief’s Impeachment

IRS Logo 2Politico, Jordan Says He Will Continue Push for IRS Chief’s Impeachment:

House Freedom Caucus Chairman Jim Jordan is still pushing to impeach IRS Commissioner John Koskinen as lawmakers return to Washington for the lame-duck session.

Jordan renewed the call for impeachment in a statement to POLITICO Monday criticizing the agency for denying tax-exempt status to the Albuquerque Tea Party group. The decision on the group — one of three stalled reviews the IRS agreed to expedite after a judge excoriated the agency for continued delays in August — came last week.

Rep. Jim Jordan Statement on IRS Denying Albuquerque Tea Party Non-Profit Status:

Congressman Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) made the following statement regarding the decision by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to deny the Albuquerque Tea Party non-profit status after delaying its application for almost seven years as part of the IRS targeting scandal:

“After seven years of stonewalling, targeting and harassing the Albuquerque Tea Party, the IRS has yet again blocked the group’s non-profit status without any explanation. This decision is a reminder that when a federal judge recently said that targeting was still going on, he meant it.

“This is further evidence that the IRS has not changed its ways, and shows that IRS Commissioner John Koskinen continues in his dereliction of duty. Congress must move forward on impeaching him.”

IRS News, IRS Scandal, Tax | Permalink


"and shows that IRS Commissioner John Koskinen continues in his dereliction of duty."

Its not dereliction of duty; Koskinen is doing exactly what Barky hired him to do...

Posted by: champ | Nov 15, 2016 1:00:10 PM

Perhaps we have been too hasty. Would Koskinen stay on and redirect IRS efforts at cracking down on these Democrat groups organizing riots?

The Clinton Foundation looks sketchy too.

Posted by: wodun | Nov 15, 2016 8:23:58 AM