Paul L. Caron

Monday, October 24, 2016

The IRS Scandal, Day 1264: Light Meet Tunnel

IRS Logo 2Politico Morning Tax, Light Meet Tunnel:

The Albuquerque Tea Party and Unite In Action should get a ruling on their tax-exempt status one way or another next month, under a recent order from a federal court. Judge Reggie B. Walton ordered the IRS to make a final decision on the groups’ status by Nov. 11, which will be more than six years after the organizations applied for a tax exemption. As our Toby Eckert notes, the fact that those groups still hadn’t heard from the IRS played a role in the revival of a lawsuit filed by the American Center for Law and Justice on their behalf. A lower court had tossed the suit a couple years ago, finding that the IRS was no longer improperly scrutinizing tea party groups.

IRS News, IRS Scandal, Tax | Permalink


A lower court had tossed the suit a couple years ago, finding that the IRS was no longer improperly scrutinizing tea party groups.

The lower court thought that because the perpetrator stopped beating someone that the perpetrator didn't need to be punished for beating someone.

This is why distrust in our institutions is so high.

Posted by: wodun | Oct 24, 2016 5:37:50 PM

The Obama administration and the media that protect them from scrutiny are equally disgusting. Shameful what has happened to the Rule of Law.

Posted by: VoteOutIncumbents | Oct 24, 2016 12:46:36 PM

"A lower court had tossed the suit a couple years ago, finding that the IRS was no longer improperly scrutinizing tea party groups."

Or more accurately:

"A lower court had tossed the suit a couple years ago, finding that the IRS was no longer engaging in viewpoint discrimination against tea party groups."

What was the evidence the lower court used to come to that conclusion? The BOLO list may have been done away with, but my understanding is Group 7822, a bureaucratic "black hole" for applications, continues to operate to this day, unless it can proven otherwise.

Posted by: MM | Oct 24, 2016 7:30:53 AM